Facilities Condition Assessment and Facilities Master Plan

Arrival / Departure

Safe drop-off and pick-up experience.

Below is a list of best practices when renovating campuses to improve drop-off, pick-up and parking keeping pedestrians safe:

  • Include at least one designated student drop-off and pick-up area with a passing lane, no shorter than 200 feet in length clearly labeled with appropriate curb striping, pavement markings, and signage
  • Separate parking, drop-off / pick-up, bus loading areas, and parking areas to ensure the safety of students entering and exiting the school
  • The design of pedestrian areas should be more developed in targeted areas, such as drop-off locations and waiting areas where students can gather before class begins
  • Provide enough parking spaces for staff and visitors:  a minimum of 2.25 parking stalls per teaching station, and accessible spaces to meet ADA code
  • Reducing pedestrian and vehicular crossing
  • Use appropriate barriers
  • Clearly mark pedestrian walking zones and vehicular driving zones
  • Speed bumps are recommended for moderating vehicular speed in drop-off and parking areas to further protect pedestrians
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Exterior Lighting

Is there site lighting to cover parking lots, spaces for evening events and the areas used for pick-up for After Care?

Covered Entry

Does both the interior and exterior of the campus entrance have seating options and shade?


Is there signage at relevant locations for simple way-finding?

Curb Striping

Are curbs striped to designate the zones for drop off and emergency vehicles?